For the past three summer, I’ve been gripped byThe Bear on FX. While the stories and strength of the home environment have given me some extra stress (” Feast of the Seven Fishes” episode, I’m looking at you ), it’s also been eternally inspiring. If you are acquainted, and without giving away too many trailers, the display is set in Chicago at an old-school European beef sandwich purchase. The traditional European meat sandwich is a staple, despite the more fine dining that is served in the current season of the show. Think very sweet cooked meat that is dipped in a spicy umami-rich au just, then piled high with salty giardiniera. Also known as efficiency in a hamburger. I became very fixated on getting one of these burgers by almost every means necessary last summer while I was pregnant during the next season of the show. The only trouble? I live in Connecticut. Great pie? We’ve got that, but I still craved an genuine Roman meat sandwich. Mihaela Kozaric Sebrek is the author of Simply Recipes, and this European braised meat is the first step in the recipe. Although it differs from the traditional sandwich, it is still very sweet and simple to make at home. No deli slicer is necessary. Plus, it only needs one dish, and the majority of the baking time is completely hands-off. Finally, the resulting beef can be used in but some way, in rice bowls, on top of fried noodles, in a dish, and of course piled high in a tasty sandwich. The des just forms by creating a truly great grill on the chuck roast. To brown onions and garlic, the fond ( the flavorful crusty bits that are stuck to the pan ) and some of the rendered beef fat are used. You can move the meat and frying water to a slow burner and make either on high for 4 to 5 hours or on low for 7 to 8 hours. I typically braise the meat in the pan so I can stick to using only one dish. The finished meat is extremely tender and shreds at the sight of a fork. I add a little bit of spice to the meat and au jus to give it a slight kick and a dash of brightness by adding some slightly spicy giardiniera as an optional flavor enhancer. This hearty casserole is the ideal dish to make all year long in the fall and winter! Simply Recipes / Mihaela Kozaric Sebrek More Italian-American Specialties
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Italian-Style Beef Recipe ( 5 Ingredients )