I’m a huge fan of European snacks. Give me something creamy and beautiful, include an espresso, and I’m transported back to those little cafés in Paris, where you sit and people watch while practicing your European, s’il les plaît. In no time at all, ALDI’s most recent cake get in the cafe area will have you speaking French. I’m currently enthralled by their new Specially Selected Pot de Crèmes ( pronounced poh-deh-crehm ). What’s So Great About ALDI’s Specially Selected Pot de Crème Desserts If you’ve always enjoyed a dish de crème, it’s like a pastry. They’re lush, small pots of creamy god, and they are, hands lower, one of my favourite desserts ever! For$ 1.99 per 3. 5 oz dessert, these little boys come in dessert and coffee flavor. That’s a good deal, because a similar snack at my beloved French restaurant just costs$ 15 and comes with a cookie and whipped cream. The pot de crème sweets from ALDI are just as delicious as some of the people I’ve had at the most glamorous European establishments. The ingredients list is short—basically milk, sugar, egg yolks, and either chocolate or coffee. Jeanette Hurt’s Simply Recipes has true espresso and product flavor while dark chocolatey and rich chocolatey. I love them both, but I have to say, tasting them side by side ( that, well, I had to ), I like the dessert a little bit better. My father’s review of them is” Feel good, structure good”. Yes, he sounds like a Neanderthal, but he’s 14. My partner just ate two at once before asking if we had another in the kitchen. In my opinion, they’re so wealthy, one is enough for a second helping, but if you have teenagers or families who have a nice teeth, then you might want to get two per person. What I really like about them is that they are packaged in actual glasses. You could use the empty containers to make your own container de crème or puddings, keep them in paper clips, or use them as ring holders next to the sink. They’re absolutely adorable pots.

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