Think of the moment feel-good vibe you encounter when you cross the finish line if you’ve ever participated in a race. And, if you’re not a sprinter, add another personal or professional success. When you finished it, do you still feel that sense of genuine joy? That is what we refer to as a serotonin jump. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved in the work of many areas of the body, such as metabolism, rest, learning and mental health, including how one feels joy and praise. While different neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, also improve your mood, serotonin is a bit unique because it’s linked to reward and motivation. Essentially, you feel its release as you mark something off your list—big ( a marathon ) or small ( finishing up meal prep for the week ). That’s where a “dopamine list” comes in. Celebrities have catapulted this concept into prominence. Dopamine menus are full of activities and things that leave you feeling satisfied when they’ve been completed. You can choose a meal to boost your mood when you need a feel-good strike. Actually, this new trend is very enjoyment, and it’s one we can get on. Here’s what you need to know about its potential wellness advantages, plus how to set one up for yourself. The Health Benefits of a Dopamine Menu A dopamine menu is n’t evidence-based. In truth, most data available on this pattern is subjective. With that said, a dopa-menu has become popularized for those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD). According to studies, there may be issues with the mind’s reward system in ADHD, which could cause those who suffer from the condition to primarily lack dopamine. This may cause people with ADHD to seek out enjoyable activities to release these gratifying chemicals rather than to search for potentially harmful or maladaptive activities ( even scrolling through social media mindlessly )! ), the dopa-menu may move in. Then, when it comes to an over-the-counter, natural prescribing for serotonin, there are no studies to back this up. But, it makes sense to choose from a daily list of services tailored to an adult’s choices when we consider the nature of how serotonin functions and how its release in response to completing a goal as a reward or happiness response. The serotonin menu name is just a term that people ( and the media ) can use as inspiration for. ” Since there is minimal risk to creating a serotonin list, it can be really helpful for someone who has ADHD, depression, sleep poverty, stress and more, making it an easy pattern to climb on”, says intuitive-eating nutritionist and heath advocate Meme Inge, M. S., RDN. A serotonin list written out may be a useful tool for determining what would be most advantageous for a person at the time. She explains that it can help people feel more energized and invigorated when going through their regular exercises in addition to helping eliminate some of the emotional energy from figuring out what to do to help oneself. Making a serotonin list will help you identify your favorite activities. When you’re stressed, depressed, or distracted, and more likely to reach for your phone for a dose of serotonin, you may otherwise turn to your list and pick a topic that makes you feel good. Dana Angelo White, M. S., RDN, a cookbook author and certified athletic trainer, says taking the time to plan and write out activities adds some accountability and ( for some ) can increase the likelihood they will follow through. While we do n’t advise using it to treat specific medical conditions, we can promise you it’s a fun, feel-good activity that poses little to no harm. How do you make your very own serotonin restaurant? How to Make a Dopamine Menu There is no one-size-fits-all method for making a serotonin list, which is probably one of the benefits of this wellness pattern. And, as with most items when it comes to health and wellness, you need to take into consideration your personal needs—nutritionally, physically, financially, schedule-wise—to determine what may make the most sense to go on your list. Step one is listing” all the things that make you feel pleasure, satisfaction or motivation. For a dopamine menu, you can be as basic or imaginative as you like, says Inge. Next, organize this list by time to complete. ” It’s common to organize menus by length of the activity. For example”, entrees “take longer to complete, while” appetizers “are shorter in duration”, says White. Inge suggests that you think about breaking up your activities into the following categories in order to create your own dopamine menu. She also provides some pointers for inspiration as you determine what dopamine-stimulating activities will be most effective for your lifestyle. Appetizers: These activities are shorter in duration, around 10 to 15 minutes. For example: preparing a balanced snack while listening to music, going for a quick walk around the block or completing a meditation. Main Courses: These items usually require a bit longer time block, but with that, also offer a potential greater dopamine payoff. For instance, meeting up with a group of friends for coffee or a meal, enrolling in a yoga class, or getting massages are all possible options for this dopamine menu. Side Dishes: Similar to the appetizers, these activities are shorter in duration, and usually involve some sort of “helping tasks”, says Inge. Think making your bed, unloading the dishwasher, putting away the laundry or cleaning the bathroom. These may not immediately scream “pleasurable activity” to you, but they do allow you to cross off tasks and boost your motivation. Desserts: Items labeled under this category are typically rewards after you’ve marked off the other “necessary” dopamine fixes, such as completing a work project. These include things like playing a game on your device, scrolling through social media, or watching your favorite TV show. These ought to be taken into account more in your daily life. Specials: Last, but certainly not least, this is your “on-occasion” menu section that is n’t done regularly but can leave you with a long-lasting dopamine rush. These activities might include going on vacation, completing a race, or attending a concert or other event. Although all these menu items can fit into a balanced and healthy lifestyle, “like in real life, there’s nothing wrong with picking something off the dessert menu, but you probably wo n’t feel your best if you’re only eating desserts,” according to the article. So, just like in nutrition, variety is best”, says Inge. Creating a Dopamine Menu There is no hard set of guidelines for how to use one, so you have a lot of creative freedom when creating one that works for you. However, White advises trying any version of the dopamine menu trend before getting too far into it. For some, this may involve keeping a mental list, and for others, it may be writing items down in the above categories. Use this as a point of reference when deciding whether the dopamine menu practice is best for you and whether regular use of it will help your life. For instance, if you recognize that midafternoon you start to feel a crash in your productivity, and the weather permits for you to take a 15-minute power walk ( or this quick workout ), then schedule it into your calendar. This will help you log a few more steps, which will benefit your overall wellness regimen as well. Similarly, while the dopamine menu trend is n’t directly about food, that should n’t deter you from incorporating food-based activities into your menu if you find enjoyment in them. ” Any course on a dopamine menu can be about food”, says White. It’s important to pack a snack for a long run or an entree that calls for shopping and cooking a recipe that is seasonally inspired. And, for what it’s worth, when incorporated routinely, these habits can have positive effects on your health too, such as increasing your intake of produce and offering more energy for your workouts. Bottom Line Nutrition experts advise sticking to the dopamine menu trend as a quick fix for your health. When you achieve a goal, dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for rewarding and satisfying feelings, immediately boosts your mood. The dopamine menu is a useful resource for people who need immediate financial support based on their daily interests.

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